Thursday, 5 Ordebehesht, 1388/24 April, 2008
Georgia announced on Monday that Russia has struck its jet without a pilot within the Georgian territory – the separatist republic of Abkhazia.
In 1992, Russia supported the separatist Abkhazia, and helped the destruction of Georgian forces. If we take a closer look, we will notice that almost all of the conflicts of the former Soviet Union took place around the same time, and Russia had a hand in all of them. Now that Georgia wants to defend its independence, Russia, “the Lord of all the lands between the Black Sea and the Pacific Ocean, and from the Baltic Sea to the Amu Darya” does not want to give up “its property.”
After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia created war and conflict in all the corners of its former empire. Georgia was only one of Russia's objectives. The Russia secret services created separatist sentiment in Abkhazia, and then this region declared its independence with the support of Russia. When Georgia defended its territorial integrity, it lost due to Russian military assistance. Russia also supported South Ossetia. While North Ossetia is within the Russian territory, they help South Ossetia to become “independent.” If Russia is so interested in the Ossetian independence, then why do they not give independence to North Ossetia? Russia’s only aim is to keep Georgia within its domain and nothing else. However, we will leave the Ossetian issue aside, because Ossetians are actually Iranian (Iranic) people, who came under Russian rule in the 19th century AD, and are different from the Georgian people. The issue of Abkhazia is different however. This land has been one with Georgia for the course of history. It is true that they do not speak Georgian, but their language has the same root with Georgian. Just as the Badakhshanis and the Persian speakers, and Kurds and others are the same and are all Iranian, Abkhaz people are also the same with the Georgians. The Abkhaz people have played a major role in the process of building Georgia and later in the process of its reunification. According to Encyclopedia Iranica, even the term Abkhazia “often comes to denote the whole land of Georgia.”
I must note that I respect the proud people of Georgia. These people are not giving up their independence despite all the pressure and bullying by Russia. These people kept their script even during Soviet times. According to some researchers, they did not defend their script, but Stalin, who was a Georgian, did not do anything. However, the study of Stalin’s personality shows that while he was a Georgian, he was very uncompassionate towards the Georgians as well.
Russia tried to create a revolution in Georgia a few months ago, but the Georgian people, despite all the economic hardships, supported their government. We, Tajiks, did not defend our government in 1992 AD, and allowed for someone who Russia wanted to come to power. I am afraid that a revolution can be organized by Russia in Tajikistan. The people of Tajikistan should have a government that they want, and a one that is truly national, but we should be careful that a “doll of Moscow” (or any other country) is not put in the Presidential Palace, and take us further away from our roots.
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